SlipIns Supporting Lahaina's Wildfire Relief Efforts

10% of Sales Will Be Donated to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation Between August 17th - September 5th

Join Us in Rebuilding Lives and Ecosystems Affected by Lahaina's Wildfires

At SlipIns, we believe in the power of unity and compassion. In the wake of devastating wildfires that swept across Lahaina, leaving destruction in their wake, we are committed to making a positive impact. Our hearts go out to the communities, families, and wildlife affected by this tragedy.

In addition, we encourage you to donate directly to the Hawai‘i Community Foundation. Note that 100% of the funds donated to HCF will be distributed for community needs.

Together We Thrive

As a company deeply rooted in environmental consciousness and social responsibility, we're dedicated to turning this challenging situation into an opportunity to make a difference. Together, we can be a beacon of hope and recovery for Hawaii.Â